Sunday, 22 January 2012

First Rant...

Hi welcome to my blog I'm violet Green, I'm a mother of 2 and I'm a green parent I cloth diaper breastfeed and use green items... but I do shower and buy stuff at walmart... I'm not an activist... anyways my first rant is about teen gives you the right to tell someone much older then you that their parenting is incorrect that would be the equivalent of an older person telling you your teenagering is incorrect I'm pretty sure your not supposed to have a baby at 12... by choice... there are some teen mothers that are just dealing with the cards they have been dealt but I think kids now a days are striving just that much higher to be an "Adult" becoming a teen mom by choice when you are not even out of school yet makes you more of a child then an adult it shows that you have no life goals and you wasted your education for no reason at all other then to be an "adult" dont get me wrong some of these women grow up and get that education and move forward with their life and their children are healthy and happy kids... but the majority end up with some guy that they hate and cant stand to be around but only do it cause thats their baby daddy and he loved her at one point but now they have 6 kids and he decided hes just going to bail... its ok to want to be a mom but wait til your out of high school your in a  solid relationship at the very least if not married to the guy.... and just be a kid... go out party get in trouble have fun with your life before all your responsibilities I'd never change having kids but I sure as hell do miss the times I had as a teenager I miss sleep and going out to movies whenever i want and not having a care in the world... dont take on the responsibility of having a child before you are ready for it because your just going to destroy the life you created and love so so very much...